Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Magical Moments in Education- That Made Me Smile, Cry and Laugh


The day I visited and observed Mr. Cunningham’s class, I wrote my classroom rules and procedures. I planned an engaging curriculum, rewards system and prepared myself for backlash of superimposing structure in a chaotic environment.

The teacher’s desk was a large drafting table. Mr. Cunningham sat behind it like a regal king in the classroom before took his naps. I got rid of it. I took down the over abundance of posters and visual stimulation to lighten the wall space with cooling clam colors. I hung homey pictures on the walls. Plants were used to add green to the room.

The learning disabled class was assigned a classroom aide. Her name was Ms. Baskovigch. The students often called her Ms. Baskobitch. She did not seem to notice. She lent the students money, which they never paid back, collected pens that did not work and picked her nose in class. 

Ms. Baskovich had a heart of gold and really loved her job. She was an elderly woman who never married. Since she was the unwed, it was her job to care for her mother. According to Ms. Baskovich, she did not enjoyed many things on her own. Ms. Baskovich’s days outside of school were spent taking care of her mother and taking direction from her married siblings. 

I felt for her and it was obvious that Ms. Baskovich was not very helpful in the classroom setting. One classroom session, I asked Ms. B. to write on the board as a dictated a sentence. I was not aware she could not spell. I did not ask her to write on the board again. Needless to say, I worked as best as I could with her strengths in the classroom. 

I would not accept any disrespect of Ms. B. and insisted the students call her Ms. B. in my presence. 

Later she complained that I was trying to change her name when she complained about me to the administration.