Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Where Have You Been?

It has been a long time since I last posted on my blog. Did I stop having opinions? No. Did public educational institutional barriers get better? No.  I did not feel like it was safe to write what I really thought online anymore. Part of me is really sad about that.  For a few years, I dealt with inequities, abuses, and barriers alone without much help or support. Funny thing, it did not help.  I thought if I kept my head down and avoided people who were NOT for kids, I would be able to help more kids. Wrong.  I was frustrated and alone, and the people in education who were NOT for kids seemed to grow. Wherever I went there, they were.  The lesson is to live in integrity. No matter what live in honesty and continue to fight for what is right. Harsh lesson but well learned.  So I am back telling my truth and the story of working in education settings with challenges and successes.